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Zanzibar nightclub liquor license suspension

I know many folks were wondering about what had happened to Zanzibar. A patron was stabbed in the torso there earlier in the summer. The club has remained closed since then due to a suspeneded liquor license. On July 13 ABRA had a special meeting to extend the suspension of Zanzibar’s nightclub liquor license until the club meets two conditions that Chief Lanier had requested:

(1) installing a new state of the art with camera system with at least 32 cameras that record and contain infrared capabilities and (2) work out a reimbursable detail plan with MPD for the nights they are open that follows or exceeds MPD’s reimbursable detail requirements. The onus is on Zanzibar ‘s to meet these two conditions and only upon the satisfaction of the Agency, will the suspension be lifted. I’ll notify you when that happens. The Board also ordered the matter to OAG for a Show Cause hearing in the near future. Additional penalties may result from that action. [from ABRA email]